Results for 'Florencia Strajilevich Knoll'

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  1.  23
    El pasado y su silencio: la voz narrativa como hilo de transmisión memorial en la obra de Iván Jablonka y Santiago Amigorena.Florencia Strajilevich Knoll - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e142.
    El siguiente trabajo parte del análisis de dos obras literarias que vieron su aparición en el Siglo XXI: Historia de los abuelos que no tuve, de Ivan Jablonka, y El gueto interior, de Santiago Amigorena, dos novelas que toman como eje temático y vertebrador de las narraciones la búsqueda e indagación del pasado reciente a través de dos historias de vida que guardan una profunda conexión con los hechos acontecidos durante el Holocausto. El objetivo es abordar y analizar la construcción (...)
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    Rubens, Corsets and Taxonomies: A Response to Meek Lange, Rogers and Dodds.Florencia Luna - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (6):448-450.
    This short article is a commentary to ‘Vulnerability in Research Ethics: A way forward’ from Margaret Meek Lange, Wendy Rogers and Susan Dodds. In their article they describe and accept my criticisms of the subpopulation approach to vulnerability and my analysis of vulnerability based on layers, but they suggest going beyond it using a taxonomy to classify layers of vulnerabilty. I argue that a) we do not need a taxonomy to classify vulnerabilities, b) the authors do not provide an adequate (...)
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    On moral incoherence and hidden battles: Stem cell research in argentina.Florencia Luna & Arleen Salles - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (3):120-128.
    In this article, the authors focus on Argentina's activity in the developing field of regenerative medicine, specifically stem cell research. They take as a starting point a recent article by Shawn Harmon (published in this journal) who argues that attempts to regulate the practice in Argentina are morally incoherent. The authors try to show first, that there is no such ‘attempt to legislate’ on stem cell research in Argentina and this is due to a number of reasons that they explain. (...)
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    Identifying and evaluating layers of vulnerability – a way forward.Florencia Luna - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (2):86-95.
    “Vulnerability” is a key concept for research ethics and public health ethics. This term can be discussed from either a conceptual or a practical perspective. I previously proposed the metaphor of layers to understand how this concept functions from the conceptual perspective in human research. In this paper I will clarify how my analysis includes other definitions of vulnerability. Then, I will take the practical‐ethical perspective, rejecting the usefulness of taxonomies to analyze vulnerabilities. My proposal specifies two steps and provides (...)
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    Sobre la condición migrante de la literatura caribeña: geoestéticas de resistencia, entre el turismo y la soberanía.Florencia Bonfiglio - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:9-26.
    El artículo analiza algunas problemáticas centrales de la literatura caribeña, en particular de expresión francófona y anglófona, relacionadas, por un lado, con la falta de desarrollo y el funcionamiento colonial de sus sistemas literarios, y, por el otro, con el problema social, económico y político de la emigración en las Antillas. Como propongo, es la misma condición migrante de la literatura caribeña, en tanto sistema atravesado por el desplazamiento masivo de sus productores, la que en gran parte determina sus motivaciones (...)
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    Walter Benjamin y el proyecto (no realizado) de una tesis doctoral sobre el concepto de "tarea infinita" en la filosofía de la historia de Kant.Florencia Abadi - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):89-111.
    En este trabajo se investigan cuáles fueron las razones de Benjamin para proyectar su tesis doctoral sobre el concepto de "tarea infinita" en la filosofía de la historia de Kant, así como los motivos por los que abandonó ese plan. Se destaca la influencia decisiva de Hermann Cohen en este intento, así como las diferencias entre sus concepciones del mesianismo, y se muestra que en los esbozos de aquel proyecto doctoral frustrado se encuentra en germen la aspiración benjaminiana de fundamentar (...)
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    (1 other version)Reseña de Fronteras, espacios de interacción en las tierras bajas del sur de América, de Lidia Nacuzzi y Carina Lucaioli . Buenos Aires, Publicaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, 2010.Florencia Carlón - 2011 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 1 (1).
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    Platón: Posibilidad de la existencia de la doctrina no escrita.Florencia Sal - 2001 - Signos Filosóficos 5:195-209.
  9.  27
    Reseña bibliográfica del libro de Biset.Florencia Zalazar & Laura Aldana Contardi - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):223-231.
    Se trata de la reseña bibliográfica del libro de Emmanuel Biset et. al., Sujeto, una categoría en disputa.
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    The evolution of frequency distributions: Relating regularization to inductive biases through iterated learning.Florencia Reali & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):317-328.
  11.  19
    Medical ethics and more: ideal theories, non-ideal theories and conscientious objection.Florencia Luna - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (1):129-133.
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  12.  14
    Basso, María Florencia (2019). Volver a entrar saltando. Memoria y arte en la segunda generación de argentinos exiliados en México. La Plata: Colección Entre los libros de la buena Memoria; Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de Misiones y Universidad de General Sarmiento, 264 pp. [REVIEW]Florencia Larralde Armas - 2019 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (19):e036.
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    Reproductive Health and Research Ethics: Hot Issues in Argentina.Florencia Luna - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (3):267-274.
    In this article I focus on two issues concerning bioethics in Argentina: reproductive health and ethics in research. Although these topics are quite dissimilar, they share a particular feature: their special relationship with context.
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  14.  28
    Poverty and inequality: Challenges for the iab: Iab presidential address.Florencia Luna - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (5-6):451-459.
    ABSTRACT This paper focuses on poverty and inequality in the world today. First, it points out how this topic is a main concern for the IAB. Second, it proposes ‘new’ theoretical tools in order to analyze global justice and our obligations towards the needy. I present John Rawls's denial that the egalitarian principle can be applied to the global sphere, his proposed weak duty of assistance, and his consideration of endemic poverty as essentially homegrown. In opposition, I focus on Thomas (...)
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  15. (Mere) Verbalness and Substantivity Revisited.Viktoria Knoll - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1955-1978.
    Verbal disputes are often seen as closely related to a lack of substantivity. However, a systematic and comprehensive investigation of how verbalness relates to substantivity is still missing. The present paper attempts to close this gap. In addition to offering different conceptions of verbalness, the paper further develops Sider’s (Writing the Book of the World, OUP, Oxford, 2011) notion of substantivity. Ultimately, I argue for a more careful choice of terminology when it comes to assessing a dispute as “(merely) verbal” (...)
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  16. Elucidating the concept of vulnerability: Layers not labels.Florencia Luna - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):121-139.
    In this article I examine several criticisms of the concept of vulnerability. Rather than rejecting the concept, however, I argue that a sufficiently rich understanding of vulnerability is essential to bioethics. The challenges of international research in developing countries require an understanding of how new vulnerabilities arise from conditions of economic, social and political exclusion. A serious shortcoming of current conceptions of vulnerability in research ethics is the tendency to treat vulnerability as a label fixed on a particular subpopulation. My (...)
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  17.  53
    Uncovering the Richness of the Stimulus: Structure Dependence and Indirect Statistical Evidence.Florencia Reali & Morten H. Christiansen - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (6):1007-1028.
    The poverty of stimulus argument is one of the most controversial arguments in the study of language acquisition. Here we follow previous approaches challenging the assumption of impoverished primary linguistic data, focusing on the specific problem of auxiliary (AUX) fronting in complex polar interrogatives. We develop a series of corpus analyses of child‐directed speech showing that there is indirect statistical information useful for correct auxiliary fronting in polar interrogatives and that such information is sufficient for distinguishing between grammatical and ungrammatical (...)
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  18.  33
    Why have Non-communicable Diseases been Left Behind?Florencia Luna & Valerie A. Luyckx - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (1):5-25.
    Non-communicable diseases are no longer largely limited to high-income countries and the elderly. The burden of non-communicable diseases is rising across all country income categories, in part because these diseases have been relatively overlooked on the global health agenda. Historically, communicable diseases have been prioritized in many countries as they were perceived to constitute the greatest disease burden, especially among vulnerable and poor populations, and strategies for prevention and treatment, which had been successful in high-income settings, were considered feasible and (...)
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  19.  5
    Donde habita la memoria. Un análisis del Museo Popular de Siloé, espacio de memoria colectiva y resistencia popular.Florencia Scolaro - 2024 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 15 (28-29):e198.
    El siguiente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la experiencia del Museo popular de Siloé como lugar de memoria, de acuerdo con la categoría acuñada por Pierre Nora. Para ello, se hace una breve descripción del lugar donde se ubica Siloé tanto en términos espaciales, como socio-históricos. A partir de allí, el escrito refiere a los modos que adquirieron las políticas de memoria en Colombia y el posicionamiento fluctuante del Estado en relación con la Memoria en general, y con el conflicto (...)
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  20.  21
    Regulaciones sobre filiación y familia en la definición de los derechos ciudadanos entre fines de siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX.Paz Landeira Florencia & LLobet Valeria - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (3):5-29.
    El trabajo presenta una revisión analítica de la literatura alrededor de los debates regionales en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay sobre familia, matrimonio y filiación suscitados en torno a la redacción de los códigos civiles en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y sus primeras reformas, acontecidas en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Se interrogan los distintos mecanismos jurídicos – y los argumentos en que se sustentaron – a través de los cuales se establecieron y se regularon las demarcaciones entre (...)
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  21.  21
    (1 other version)La vida impropia.Florencia Garramuño - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Odor Learning and Its Experience-Dependent Modulation in the South American Native Bumblebee Bombus atratus.Florencia Palottini, María C. Estravis Barcala & Walter M. Farina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Acceptability of Dative Argument Structure in Spanish: Assessing Semantic and Usage‐Based Factors.Florencia Reali - 2017 - Cognitive Science:2170-2190.
    Multiple constraints, including semantic, lexical, and usage-based factors, have been shown to influence dative alternation across different languages. This work explores whether fine-grained statistics and semantic properties of the verb affect the acceptability of dative constructions in Spanish. First, a corpus analysis reveals that verbs of different semantic classes occur naturally in alternative dative constructions, a pattern quite different from English. The fact that dative alternation appears independent of semantic classes challenges traditional semantic-based approaches. Second, acceptability rating tasks reveal that (...)
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  24. De nosotros sabemos?Florencia Sichel - 2020 - In Julián Macías & Florencia Sichel (eds.), En busca del sentido: cruces entre filosofía, infancia y educación. [Buenos Aires?]: TeseoPress Design.
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  25. Benjamin and Carolina Gozon, Rafael Buenaventura, Nanoo Pamnani: Learning From Extraordinary People.Florencia Tarriela - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):249-252.
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    « La terre est notre vie. » La relation des Toba du Gran Chaco à leur territoire.Florencia Tola & Sophie Bedouin - 2014 - Actuel Marx 2 (2):97-108.
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    Revisiting Vulnerability: Its Development and Impact.Florencia Luna - 2019 - In Eduardo Rivera-López & Martin Hevia (eds.), Controversies in Latin American Bioethics. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 67-81.
    The concept of vulnerability has been hotly debated in research ethics literature. Some critics considered it a useless concept. In 2009—against some of those criticisms—I defended the importance of understanding this concept in terms of layers instead of applying it as a label given to certain subpopulations. In this paper, I present some of the limits of this analysis and I also explore the similarities and differences this approach has when compared to using a taxonomy as another answer on how (...)
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    Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates.Michael Knoll & Rolf van Dick - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):349-362.
    Silence in organizations refers to a state in which employees refrain from calling attention to issues at work such as illegal or immoral practices or developments that violate personal, moral, or legal standards. While Morrison and Milliken (Acad Manag Rev 25:706–725, 2000) discussed how organizational silence as a top-down organizational level phenomenon can cause employees to remain silent, a bottom-up perspective—that is, how employee motives contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of silence in organizations—has not yet been given much research (...)
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  29. Nietzsche’s Perspectivism as an Epistemological and Meta-Ethical Position.Manuel Knoll - 2021 - Nietzscheforschung 28 (1):263-287.
    In the recent literature, it has been argued that Nietzsche’s perspectivism should not be reconstructed as an epistemological position. This article criticizes both this view and interpretations that reduce perspectivism to a theory of knowledge. It claims that “perspectivism” is also an appropriate name for Nietzsche’s meta-ethical position. The paper argues that Nietzsche should be interpreted as an anti-realist and moral skeptic. Its epistemological claim is that Nietzsche perspectivism provides a hermeneutic method that allows the human animal to achieve knowledge (...)
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  30.  31
    From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century. Abortion, Assisted Reproduction Technologies and LGBT Rights in Argentina.Florencia Luna - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (2):26-36.
    Malgré des changements législatifs "progressifs" concernant la communauté des lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels et transgenres et les technologies de reproduction assistée en Argentine, les femmes et leurs droits sexuels et reproductifs ont été négligés. Cet article présente une perspective critique de certaines de ces modifications législatives dans le pays. Il explique pourquoi certains législateurs et membres de la société sont prêts à défier une approche conservatrice, voire traditionnelle, pour certains groupes tout en ignorant les autres. Plusieurs facteurs sont en jeu. Il (...)
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  31. Negotiating “women”: metalinguistic negotiations across languages.Knoll Viktoria - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-20.
    The metalinguistic approach to conceptual engineering construes disputes between linguistic reformers and linguistic conservatives as metalinguistic disagreements on how best to use particular expressions. As the present paper argues, this approach has various merits. However, it was recently criticised in Cappelen’s seminal Fixing Language. Cappelen raises an important objection against the metalinguistic picture. According to this objection – the Babel objection, as I shall call it – the metalinguistic account cannot accommodate the intuition of disagreement between linguistic conservatives and reformers (...)
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  32.  98
    'Vulnerability', an Interesting Concept for Public Health: The Case of Older Persons.Florencia Luna - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (2):180-194.
    Traditional accounts of vulnerability tend to label entire populations as vulnerable. This approach is of limited utility. Instead, this article utilizes a layered approach to vulnerability, identifying multiple vulnerabilities that older people experience. It focuses on distinguishing the different layers of vulnerability that may be experienced by the elderly in middle-income countries of Latin America. In doing so, I show how the layered approach to vulnerability functions, and demonstrate why it is more interesting and useful than the traditional approach. The (...)
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  33.  82
    The role of culture in farmer learning and technology adoption: A case study of farmer field schools among rice farmers in central Luzon, Philippines.Florencia G. Palis - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (4):491-500.
    The goal of this paper is to show how culture – shared norms and values – is challenged and used to facilitate cooperative behavior within the context of farmer field schools (FFS) in central Luzon, Philippines. The success of the FFS is primarily associated with cultural norms that encourage experiential and collective learning and eventually lead to the adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) methods among the farmers. The study was conducted in central Luzon, the rice granary region of the (...)
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  34. How Aristotelian is Martha Nussbaum’s “Aristotelian Social Democracy”?Manuel Dr Knoll - 2/2014 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:207–222.
    The paper examines Martha Nussbaum’s «Aristotelian Social Democracy», and in particular her appropriation of Aristotle’s political philosophy. The paper questions Nussbaum’s claim that Aristotle’s account of human nature and her capabilities approach are not metaphysical. It critically analyses Nussbaum’s egalitarian interpretation of Aristotle’s doctrine of distributive justice, laying out the primary reasons supporting the thesis that Nussbaum’s «Aristotelian Social Democracy» is incompatible with Aristotle’s non-egalitarian political philosophy.
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    (1 other version)Sequential learning and the interaction between biological and linguistic adaptation in language evolution.Florencia Reali & Morten H. Christiansen - 2009 - Interaction Studies 10 (1):5-30.
    It is widely assumed that language in some form or other originated by piggybacking on pre-existing learning mechanism not dedicated to language. Using evolutionary connectionist simulations, we explore the implications of such assumptions by determining the effect of constraints derived from an earlier evolved mechanism for sequential learning on the interaction between biological and linguistic adaptation across generations of language learners. Artificial neural networks were initially allowed to evolve “biologically” to improve their sequential learning abilities, after which language was introduced (...)
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  36. Entrevista a Helen Zout: Una cadena de eslabones perdidos.Florencia Larralde Armas - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (4):17 - 8.
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  37. La construcción occidental de la figura del enemigo islámico. La nueva hegemonía de Estados Unidos.Florencia Beltrame - 2009 - Aposta 42:4.
    This essay examines the construction of a symbolic figure who has worked to support the reordering of power relationships. It is the invention of a foreign enemy, Islamic radicalism from which United States has served its objectives of establishing a new hegemony. Since the terrorist threat, has extended a speech level that adulterated and showed us a world divided into two opposite poles: a virtuous and civilized axis that is forced to attack to defend itself, and a barbaric and evil (...)
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    Un extranjero en su propia tierra: Aristipo como modelo del Ápolisaristotélico.María Florencia Zayas - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:124-147.
    El debate en torno a Aristipo de Cirene, cuya concepción de la felicidad coloca en el centro de la escena al placer, pone en tela de juicio las afirmaciones propias de aquellas éticas nucleadas bajo el epíteto de eudemonistas. Con el desplazamiento de la felicidad del sitial del fin, Aristipo reformula la dimensión ética tradicional: a través del ejercicio de la enkráteia, y lejos de caer en un relativismo subjetivista, intenta construir una ética que tenga como base un objetivismo gnoseológico. (...)
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  39. La Universidad de Almagro y su aportación al Humanismo.Florencia Cuadra García - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    (1 other version)Métodos políticos.Florencia Malbran - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    The Harmonic Utopia of Spanish Republicanism.Florencia Peyrou - 2015 - Utopian Studies 26 (2):349-365.
    According to Bronislaw Baczko, utopias may be considered as different forms—they are not linked to any precise literary genre—of critique of social reality and the quest for alternatives. Some consist of a detailed description of a new social order, whereas others confine themselves to an overall design, which solely defines a series of values and principles. They all contain an ideal of perfection: a utopian view of the world always stems from the awareness of a breach between what must be (...)
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    Editorial.Florencia María Páez - 2010 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 5.
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    Editorial.Florencia María Páez - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 6.
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  44. What is the Appropriate Method for Practical Philosophy? Hobbes versus Aristotle.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - In Philosophy at Yeditepe, Special Issue: Method in Philosophy. Yeditepe University. pp. 35–61.
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    Nietzsche as Political Philosopher.Manuel Knoll & Barry Stocker (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume establishes Nietzsche's importance as a political philosopher. The introduction and eighteen chapters cover Nietzsche's own political thought, its relation to ethics and morality, his methodology, the historical context, and his infl.
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  46. Deep Disagreements on Values, Justice, and Moral Issues: Towards an Ethics of Disagreement.Manuel Knoll - 2020 - TRAMES 24 (3):315–338.
    Scholars have long recognized the existence of myriad widespread deep disagreements on values, justice, morality, and ethics. In order to come to terms with such deep disagreements, resistant to rational solution, this article asserts the need for developing an ethics of disagreement. The reality that theoretical disagreements often turn into practical conflicts is a major justification for why such an ethics is necessary. This paper outlines an ethics of deep disagreement that is primarily conceived of as a form of virtue (...)
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  47.  29
    Deep Disagreements on Social and Political Justice: Their Meta-Ethical Relevance and the Need for a New Research Perspective.Manuel Knoll - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 23-52.
    This article starts off with a historical section showing that deep disagreements among notions of social and political justice are a characteristic feature of the history of political thought. Since no agreement or consensus on distributive justice is possible, the article argues that political philosophers should – instead of continuously proposing new normative theories of justice – focus on analyzing the reasons, significance, and consequences of such kinds of disagreements. The next two sections are analytical. The first sketches five possible (...)
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  48.  53
    Martha Nussbaum and Aristotle on Distributive Justice and Equality.Manuel Knoll - 2022 - Polis 39 (3):498-526.
    This article gives a detailed analysis of Nussbaum’s ‘capabilities approach’ and her claim that it is a genuinely Aristotelian contemporary po-litical philosophy. The paper examines how Nussbaum bases her ‘capabilities approach’ on human nature and questions her assertion that both Aristotle’s account of human nature and her own approach are not metaphysical. In order to analyze the normative dimension of Nussbaum’s ‘capabilities approach’, this article focuses on Aristotle’s doctrine of distributive justice and equality. It shows how Nussbaum adopts and modifies (...)
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    Paternalism and the argument from illiteracy.Florencia Luna - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):283–290.
    Throughout this essay, I will consider an argument frequently used to justify paternalistic behavior toward a specific class of persons: illiterate people. The argument states that illiterate people are uneducated, lack information and understanding, and are thus unable to make decisions. Therefore, it is argued, paternalism in their case is justified. The conclusion is that illiterate persons cannot be autonomous. The justification for this view is based on an a priori attitude: since it is impossible to communicate, physicians should decide (...)
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    Not the Usual Suspects: Addressing Layers of Vulnerability.Florencia Luna & Sheryl Vanderpoel - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):325-332.
    This paper challenges the traditional account of vulnerability in healthcare which conceptualizes vulnerability as a list of identifiable subpopulations. This list of ‘usual suspects’, focusing on groups from lower resource settings, is a narrow account of vulnerability. In this article we argue that in certain circumstances middle-class individuals can be also rendered vulnerable. We propose a relational and layered account of vulnerability and explore this concept using the case study of cord blood (CB) banking. In the first section, two different (...)
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